Netherlands Wilhelm I Medal 1834 - San Lazaro Venice
Reference Description
Wilhelm I, 1815-1840
AE Book Printing Medal, 1834
Obv. Head left, inscription around.
Wilh[elmus] Nass[auensis] Belg[ii] Rex Luxemb[urgensis] M[argrave] Dux
Translation: William of Nassau, King of Belgium, Duke of Luxembourg
Rev. Inscription in 11 lines, all within wreath.
Ven[erabilis] P[ater] Monast[erii] Armenici in Ins[ula] S[ancti] Lazari Venet[iarum], pro oblat[o] libro precium s[ancti] Niers[es] Clai[ensis], xxiv lingu[i]s conscriptarum, ab ipsis typis excusso, Rex dedit, MDCCCXXXIV
Translation: The Venerable Father of the Armenian Monastery on the Island of San Lazaro in Venice, for the offered book of Saint Nierses Claiensis (Nerses Shnorali), written in 24 languages and printed by themselves, the King gave [this medal] in 1834.
Wilhelm I, 1815-1840
AE Book Printing Medal, 1834
Obv. Head left, inscription around.
Wilh[elmus] Nass[auensis] Belg[ii] Rex Luxemb[urgensis] M[argrave] Dux
Translation: William of Nassau, King of Belgium, Duke of Luxembourg
Rev. Inscription in 11 lines, all within wreath.
Ven[erabilis] P[ater] Monast[erii] Armenici in Ins[ula] S[ancti] Lazari Venet[iarum], pro oblat[o] libro precium s[ancti] Niers[es] Clai[ensis], xxiv lingu[i]s conscriptarum, ab ipsis typis excusso, Rex dedit, MDCCCXXXIV
Translation: The Venerable Father of the Armenian Monastery on the Island of San Lazaro in Venice, for the offered book of Saint Nierses Claiensis (Nerses Shnorali), written in 24 languages and printed by themselves, the King gave [this medal] in 1834.
The medal was awarded by the King Wilhelm I in 1834 to the Armenian Congregation in San Lazaro, Venice, in recognition of their impressive accomplishment of publishing the book "Havadov Khosdovanim" (I Confess with Faith) prayer in 24 languages, including a translation by Saint Nerses Shnorhali. The book was first published in its authentic form by the printing house of Mekhitarists congregation in San Lazzaro, Venice in 1790, and over the years, the Mekhitarists published the prayer translated into several other languages.
The publication of the book demonstrated the Armenian Congregation's commitment to spreading their faith and culture across linguistic and national boundaries. The 1882 edition of the book is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of its kind and is still referenced in related publications to this day.
The publication of the book demonstrated the Armenian Congregation's commitment to spreading their faith and culture across linguistic and national boundaries. The 1882 edition of the book is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of its kind and is still referenced in related publications to this day.
Items in Catalog Category
“Netherlands Wilhelm I Medal 1834 - San Lazaro Venice,” Armenian Numismatic Research Organization, accessed March 29, 2025,