Xerxes - AE 2 chalkoi - Athena


Kovacs-20; ACV-14; Alram-182; ANRO-519

Reference Description

Xerxes c.215-202 BC
AE 2 chalkoi
Obv. Bearded head of Xerxes right, wearing folded tiara; diademed with ribbon hanging behind head.
Rev. Athena standing left, holding crown in extended right hand, left hand resting on belt of tunic. Monogram in left field.

Museums & Private Collections

Courtesy of BN Paris-8496806
1.90g 14mm



Items in Catalog Category


“Xerxes - AE 2 chalkoi - Athena,” Armenian Numismatic Research Organization, accessed March 29, 2025, http://armnumres.org/items/show/519.