History Echoing Through Time: The Ottoman Kars Defense Medal of 1855/56, Karabagh, and the Russia-Ukraine War

As we navigate the complexities of our modern world, marked by conflicts and geopolitical struggles, it’s often enlightening to look back at history. Certain artifacts serve as poignant reminders of our collective past, offering insights that resonate strongly with current events. One such artifact is the “Ottoman Kars Defense Medal of 1855/56,” a silver medal minted to commemorate the defense of the fortress town of Kars against Russian forces during the Crimean War.

The Ottoman Kars Defense Medal of 1855/56

The medal features the tughra of Sultan Abdul Mejid I on the obverse and a detailed cityscape of Kars on the reverse. It was awarded to those who had participated in the defense of Kars, a town that has been a focal point in regional geopolitics for centuries. Kars, once the capital of a region known as Vanand, had its own dynasty of Armenian rulers. Over the years, the town had been ruled by various powers, from the Armenian Bagratunis to the Ani, and later to the Seljuk Turks and the Ottoman Empire. 

The medal’s minting coincides with the Crimean War, a conflict that saw the Ottoman Empire, allied with Britain and France, pitted against Russia. The town was under a protracted siege by Russian forces led by General Nikolay Muravyov, also known as Mouravieff. Despite a valiant defense led by British officers, including General William Fenwick Williams, the Ottoman garrison was eventually forced to surrender due to a devastating cholera outbreak and dwindling food supplies.

The Karabagh Connection

Fast forward to the present day, and we find another region embroiled in conflict: Karabagh. Like Kars, Karabagh has been a battleground for various powers and has a rich history that includes periods of Armenian governance. The ongoing conflict in Karabagh serves as a painful reminder that the struggles of the past often echo in our present. The people of Karabagh have shown incredible resilience in the face of adversity, much like the defenders of Kars in 1855/56.

The Russia-Ukraine War: A Modern-Day Crimean War

The Crimean War of the 19th century finds its echoes in the current Russia-Ukraine conflict. Crimea, once a focal point in a war that involved the Ottoman Empire, Britain, France, and Russia, is again at the center of a geopolitical struggle. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 and the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine are eerily reminiscent of the battles and sieges of the Crimean War. 

A Moment for Reflection and a Plea for Peace

As we mourn the losses and human suffering in both Karabagh and Ukraine, the Ottoman Kars Defense Medal serves as a somber reminder that history often repeats itself in painful ways. The medal stands as both a numismatic and historical artifact, capturing a moment in time when the geopolitical landscape of the region was being redrawn. 

Let us take this moment to honor the courage and sacrifice of all those who have defended their homes, from Kars in 1855/56 to Karabagh and Ukraine today. May their bravery inspire us to work towards a future where such conflicts are relegated to the pages of history books, and peace prevails for all.



