City Issue of Cilicia - Celenderis - AE 4 chalkoi - Bust of Antiochus / Apollo


Kovacs-266; ACV-210; RPC-3709; ANRO-118

Reference Description

Antiochus IV c. 38-72 AD
AE 8 chalkoi
Obv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΣ; unclear letters under bust AN ΓΑI ΓE
Bust of Antiochus right, beardless, diademed, draped. Border of dots.
Rev. ΚΕΛΕΝΔΕΡΙΤΩΝ; magistrate's marks C A N in left field
Apollo, standing left, holding branch and resting arm on column surmounted by tripod.

Recent Sales

  Auction Date Characteristics Realized
1 CNG e134 Lot 162 1-Mar-2006 19mm, 4.22g, 12h $325

Museums & Private Collections

BN Paris-8532353x


118 CNG e134 Lot 162.jpg

Items in Catalog Category


“City Issue of Cilicia - Celenderis - AE 4 chalkoi - Bust of Antiochus / Apollo,” Armenian Numismatic Research Organization, accessed March 9, 2025,