Paul I, 1800 – Awarded to Armenian Nobleman Kalantarian for Success in Silk Cultivation
ANRO-440; Diakov-253.2
Reference Description
Obverse: Bust of Emperor Paul I facing right, wearing an elaborate uniform with a sash draped across his chest. The inscription along the edge reads: "Б. М. ПАВЕЛЪ I ИМПЕРАТОРЪ И САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ ВСЕРОСС.," which translates to "By the Grace of God, Paul I, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia."
Reverse: A text inscription recognizing Mikertum Melik Kalantarian, an Armenian nobleman, for his outstanding contributions to the cultivation of mulberry trees and the advancement of silk production. The inscription states: "ГРУЗИНСКОМУ ДВОРЯНИНУ АРМЯНСКОЙ НАЦIИ МИКЕРТЕМУ МЕЛИКУ КАЛАНТИРОВУ ЗА УСПЂХИ ВЪ РАЗВЕДЕНIИ ТУТОВЫХ ДЕРЕВЪ И ДЂЛЕ ШЕЛКУ. 1800.," which translates to "To the Georgian nobleman of the Armenian nation, Mikertum Melik Kalantarian, for success in the cultivation of mulberry trees and silk production, 1800."
Specifications: 44mm
Gold – R5;
Silver – R3; 43.93g
Bronze – R2;
Reference: Diakov-253.2
Image shown: The New York Sale 59 Lot 3024 & Znak Auction 5 Lot 365
Reverse: A text inscription recognizing Mikertum Melik Kalantarian, an Armenian nobleman, for his outstanding contributions to the cultivation of mulberry trees and the advancement of silk production. The inscription states: "ГРУЗИНСКОМУ ДВОРЯНИНУ АРМЯНСКОЙ НАЦIИ МИКЕРТЕМУ МЕЛИКУ КАЛАНТИРОВУ ЗА УСПЂХИ ВЪ РАЗВЕДЕНIИ ТУТОВЫХ ДЕРЕВЪ И ДЂЛЕ ШЕЛКУ. 1800.," which translates to "To the Georgian nobleman of the Armenian nation, Mikertum Melik Kalantarian, for success in the cultivation of mulberry trees and silk production, 1800."
Specifications: 44mm
Gold – R5;
Silver – R3; 43.93g
Bronze – R2;
Reference: Diakov-253.2
Image shown: The New York Sale 59 Lot 3024 & Znak Auction 5 Lot 365
Items in Catalog Category
“Paul I, 1800 – Awarded to Armenian Nobleman Kalantarian for Success in Silk Cultivation,” Armenian Numismatic Research Organization, accessed March 9, 2025,