Xerxes - AE 4 chalkoi - Nike
Kovacs-17; ACV-10; Alram-179; ANRO-516
Reference Description
Xerxes c.215-202 BC
AE 4 chalkoi
Obv. Bearded head of Xerxes right, wearing folded tiara; diademed with ribbon hanging behind head. Monogram in left field.
Rev. Victory standing left, holding crown in extended right hand, left hand resting on belt of tunic. Monogram in left field.
AE 4 chalkoi
Obv. Bearded head of Xerxes right, wearing folded tiara; diademed with ribbon hanging behind head. Monogram in left field.
Rev. Victory standing left, holding crown in extended right hand, left hand resting on belt of tunic. Monogram in left field.
Museums & Private Collections
Courtesy of BN Paris-8496804t
5.42g 21mm
5.42g 21mm
Items in Catalog Category
“Xerxes - AE 4 chalkoi - Nike,” Armenian Numismatic Research Organization, accessed March 9, 2025, https://armnumres.org/index.php/items/show/516.